Collective pay negotiations

UCEA conducts collective pay negotiations with the five HE trade unions - UCU, UNISON, Unite, EIS and GMB - on behalf of a significant number of UK HE institutions. This is done through the Joint Negotiating Committee for Higher Education Staff (JNCHES). UCEA member institutions decide individually whether they will participate in each negotiating round to address the uplift to be applied to the national pay spine, covering their employees below Professor and equivalent. 

The negotiations take place annually, between March and May. Details of the current or most recent 'pay round' can be found below, as can the pay outcomes for previous years, and general information on the JNCHES arrangements. 

2025-26 New JNCHES pay round

2024-25 New JNCHES pay round

2023-24 New JNCHES pay round

Union disputes 2023-24

Union disputes 2022-23

2022-23 New JNCHES pay round

National Conversation on Pay Bargaining

Union ballots 2021-22

2021-22 New JNCHES pay round

2020-21 New JNCHES pay round

2019-20 New JNCHES pay round

Previous Pay Settlements

An overview of the arrangements for HE collective pay negotiations

The arrangements were established following the Framework Agreement for the Modernisation of HE pay structures (2003)
