Specialist Committees

UCEA's Specialist Committees report to the Board on distinct areas of work.

Health and Safety Committee

Advises UCEA on matters of health, safety and wellbeing; overseeing and helping to steer activities in the area of health and safety in HE (for staff and students). Representatives are nominated by a range of sector bodies and groups. Contact Nicola Carter, n.carter@ucea.ac.uk for more information.

Clinical Academic Staff Advisory Group (CASAG)

A forum for the consideration of employment issues for clinical academic staff which advises and informs UCEA and other interested parties. On behalf of the UCEA Board CASAG represents the sector’s interests in matters relating to the NHS and related health bodies changes that may impact on the HE workforce. Representatives are nominated by a range of sector bodies and groups. Contact Nicola Carter, n.carter@ucea.ac.uk for more information.

Scottish Committee

Considers HR and employee relations matters as they affect members in Scotland.  The Scottish Committee provides a forum to inform UCEA and its Board on Scottish Government, Parliamentary and funding issues and for dialogue with Universities Scotland. Representatives are nominated from Scottish members of UHR, AHUA and BUFDG in addition to CSC and US nominees. Contact Roshan Israni, r.israni@ucea.ac.uk for more information.