Pensions consultations

UCEA response to NHS Pension Scheme: proposed changes to member contributions
 UCEA response - NHPS member contribution reforms - January 2022

Public service pensions cost control mechanism consultation - August 2021
 UCEA response - Cost Control Mechanism

Consultation on the Discount rate methodology - August 2021
 UCEA response - SCAPE discount rate

Call for evidence on the affordability of the public service schemes - March 2021
 UCEA submission on the affordability of the public service schemes

Public service pension schemes transitional protections 2015
 UCEA response - Public service pension schemes transitional protections 2015

LGPS consultation - Amendments to the Statutory Underpin
 UCEA response - LGPS amendments to the Statutory Underpin

NHSPS consultation on proposed flexibility - November 2019
 UCEA response to NHSPS consultation proposed flexibility

LGPS consultation on valuation cycles and flexibility for Higher Education Corporations - July 2019
 UCEA response to consultation on Local Government Pension Scheme: Changes to the Local Valuation Cycle and the Management of Employer Risk

UCEA letter to HM Treasury on proposed contribution increases in the public service pension schemes - September 2018
 UCEA letter to HMT re public sector pensions

UCEA consultation response on proposed increases in the NHSPS employer contribution rate - January 2019
 UCEA response to NHSPS consultation
