Implementation of the 2022-23 pay award
On 20 July, following the conclusion of the dispute resolution process (see below), UCEA wrote to HEIs participating in the pay round to advise them to implement the final offer, with effect from 1 August 2022. The uplift amounts to up to 9% for staff on the lowest spine points, and an increase of 3% for staff on or above spine point 20.
UCEA final offer letter - 9 May 2022
Dispute resolution meetings
Regrettably the meetings ended without agreement. UCEA issued the following media release on 14 July 2022 - UCEA and trade unions conclude the dispute resolution process of the 2022-23 pay round – and sent the following letter to the five trade unions.

Employers' Offer
On 9 May UCEA's negotiating team wrote to the unions with a final offer for 2022-23. The offer provides an uplift of up to 9% for staff on the lowest spine points, and an uplift of 3% for staff on or above spine point 20.
UCEA final offer letter - 9 May 2022
Earlier offers were made on 21 April and then on 3 May, outlined below.
On 3 May UCEA’s negotiating team wrote to the unions to improve on the opening offer made on 21 April.
UCEA revised offer letter - 3 May 2022
UCEA’s offer for the New JNCHES pay negotiations for 2022-23 was sent to the trade unions on 21 April 2022, in time for the second negotiating meeting:
UCEA Offer letter - 21 April 2022
Employers' Statement

Joint trade unions' claim
This was sent to UCEA at the end of March 2022
Trade Unions' JNCHES claim 2022-23
List of participating HEIs 2022-23
The list of 145 participating HEIs was shared with the unions at the first negotiating meeting on 30 March.
List of participating HEIs 2022-23
Meeting dates
The negotiating meetings for the 2022-23 are:
- Wednesday 30 March 2022
- Monday 25 April 2022
- Thursday 5 May 2022